Photonics has arrived in communication space and progressing towards computing. Such progress is being attempted to be expedited by amPICQ.
Photonics has arrived in communication space and progressing towards computing. Such progress is being attempted to be expedited by amPICQ.
Photonics has arrived in communication space and progressing towards computing. Such progress is being attempted to be expedited by amPICQ.

Hi! We Are AmpicQ.,
amPICQ aims at evolving a new paradigm. It is trying to develop a remarkable suite of products to lead the world into next spurt of revolution. It helps in providing a road map of clarity for the alternative computing technologies in the context of ‘Beyond Moore’ scenario.
It helps in providing a road map of clarity for the alternative computing technologies in the context of ‘Beyond Moore’ scenario.

amPICQ thinks radically away from the conventional knowledge structures and provide the world with better alternatives in the computing space. The Mission is to come up with ‘Photonics Integrated Circuits’ for Quantum communications as the first goal post and work for the perspective objective of evolving ‘Programmable PICs’ for Quantum computing. It is a new way of looking at the things and come up with innovations for a better world.
amPICQ thinks radically away from the conventional knowledge structures and provide the world with better alternatives in the computing space. The Mission is to come up with ‘Photonics Integrated Circuits’ for Quantum communications as the first goal post and work for the perspective
amPICQ thinks radically away from the conventional knowledge structures and provide the world with better alternatives in the computing space. The Mission is to come up with ‘Photonics Integrated Circuits’ for Quantum communications as the first goal post and work for the perspective
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